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Mid-South Graziers LLC is a multi-faceted company using sustainable agriculture to manage vegetation on solar arrays throughout the mid-south.  Sheep are the main element of our vegetation management program. 


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Solar grazing is the method of vegetation control on a solar site using grazing livestock. Sheep are most often used for this work as they are best suited for solar installations due to their size and grazing behavior. Solar companies contract with local sheep farmers to move the sheep onto the site in the spring, care for them through the grazing season, and move them off of the site for the winter. The shepherds provide water and minerals, monitor the health of the sheep and manage them to ensure vegetation doesn’t become overgrown and shade the solar panels. Sheep enjoy eating many types of weeds and invasive species, and are good at grazing underneath the panels where it is more labor intensive to mechanically mow. The well-designed perimeter fence around a site contains the sheep and protects them from predators. The solar panels provide the sheep shelter from rain, wind, and direct sun on hot days.
The opportunity presented by solar grazing has the potential to be a game changer in terms of how both small and large sheep producers can realize value from their animals. Grazing sheep on solar sites helps to maintain a rural landscape, adds additional income streams to local farms, and enhances land stewardship.